The most important parts of our turnkey catering breweries are the spectacular brewing kettle, the fermentation tanks and the cooling device.
In case of industrial breweries the most important units are malt grinder, brewing kettle, fermentation tanks, yeast manipulator and refrigerator.
The small scale breweries can be extended easily as modules and also placed in container for simple settlement.
We recommend you the additional equipments of breweries: Universal mashing tun, Universal adjunct exploring tun, Filtering tun, Universal hop boiler and whirlpool tun, Plate type wort cooler with aerator, CIP unit, Yeast propagator and processing equipment, Yeast processing equipment, Beer filtering system, Beer pasteurizing machine, Finished product packaging equipment, Tunnel pasteurizer, The automation of the process, Complex water treatments, Steam boiler.

Wet malt grinder
High efficiency and reliability
wet malt grinder
for soaking and grinding malt.
The regulated soaking gives us not only higher extract but better consistency.
This equipment is totally automated.

Universal mash tun
Modern construction and design
Universal mash tun
The PC controlled process of malt mashing provides the punctuality and ensure the production of the most different beer types.

Universal adjunct exploring tun
It provides the exploration of starch in the adjuncts (corn, rice, etc.).
This way we can get wide range of beers with different flavors.

Filtering tun
High efficiency filtering tun.
Provides high yield of wort with automation.
This up-to-date method solves the problems of wort filtering and provides high clarity wort in a short period.

Universal hop boiler & whirlpool
Universal hop boiler and whirlpool tun
- shortens the period of wort boiling
- keeps the quality of the wort
- ensures the efficient boiling and protein coagulation
It is operating with an external heat exchanger.
- higher boiling temperature: 104-105 ºC
- boiling under pressure
- fast and efficient boiling- avoiding the oxidation of wort
The external heat exchanger is one of the most modern technologies of wort boiling.

Plate-type wort cooler with aerator
Intensive wort cooling and efficient aeration provides a good fermentation
Plate-type wort cooler and aerator
Fast wort cooling keeps out souring and colouring of wort.
The bitterness of hop is decreased by the saturation of air in beer wort.

CIP unit
Purity is the guarantee of quality.
The quality parameters of beer (taste, flavour, head retention, transparency) can be provided by CIP unit (Clean-In-Place) using cleaning and sterilizing liquid without moving any parts of the technological line.
A complete CIP station (above) and a 4 m3 big (141 sq. ft.) reservoire for hot liquid lye (below)
Yeast propagator and processing equipment
High sterility, up-to-date construction.
Breeding clear yeast culture in all scale.
The applied technology ensures the high biological clarity of yeast.

Yeast processing equipment
Complete yeast processing equipment
(High sterility, up-to-date construction.)
Receiving and processing yeast for the further purposes of fermentation or sale.
The equipment provides the use of yeast culture for more generations.

Fermentation tanks (CKT)
Our company manufactures and delivers fermentation (CKT) tanks in different sizes.
The smallest 1 m³ -while the biggest is 100 m³ in volume.
These fermentation tanks–with automated system-have proven their reliability in different climates.

Fermentation tanks (CKT)
Our company manufactures and delivers fermentation (CKT) tanks in different sizes.
The smallest 1 m³ -while the biggest is 100 m³ in volume.
These fermentation tanks–with automated system-have proven their reliability in different climates.

CIP unit
Purity is the guarantee of quality.
The quality parameters of beer (taste, flavour, head retention, transparency) can be provided by CIP unit (Clean-In-Place) using cleaning and sterilizing liquid without moving any parts of the equipment.

Beer filtering system
2 steps beer filtering system operates automatically. It provides the tenability and flavour stability of the beer.
Beer pasteurizing equipment
Pasteurization provides the biological stability of beer.
Continuously operating , automatic
beer pasteurizing machine
Easy to handle, up-to-date design, economical operation and getting excellent quality products.

Finished product packaging systems
The equipment includes the cleaning of bottles and kegs, filling of finished product, labelling and wrapping.
The automation of the process is the guarantee of storing and appearance of your product.

Tunnel pasteurizer
The most reliable method for ensuring the shelf life of a bottled beer is pasteurizing in
Tunnel pasteurizer
Modern, convinient, simple…

Process automation
The automation of the process decrease the need of manual work, aesthetic and makes operation simple. Production rooms stay tidy.
Complex water treatments
The cristal clear soft water gives you the chance of having success in brewing.
Complex water treatments will ensure these requirements to you.

Refrigerator with ice battery
The reliable, fully automated
refrigerator with ice battery
ensures the cooling energy for the whole brewery.
It can be delivered with air and water cooling system.

Steam boiler
Foolproof, economical, fully automated steam boiler provides steam for the brewing process.
It can burn gas (natural and propane) or diesel oil with its automatically operating block.

Micro brewery
Always fresh beer.
Wide product range.
Attractive design.
Spectacular micro-brewery operating in pubs and restaurants.