Joke of the day

Beer Troubleshooting

SYMPTOM: Beer tasteless, front of your shirt is wet.
FAULT: Mouth not open, or glass applied to wrong part of face.
ACTION: Retire to restroom, practice in mirror.

Dairy plants

Agrometal has been being a well-known constructer of small and medium sized dairy plants in Europe for a long time.

Our company offers the highest quality machineries from receiving to the deepest process of milk. Not only the well-known products like milk, sour cream, yoghurt, yeast fermented products, cheese and cottage cheese can be produced with our machines but such special products as ricotta, curd snack and whey drinks. These products require the most modern technology.

While our small capacity machines are easy to handle, the biggest capacity plants are highly automated.

We unite the traditional milk processes with the most up-to-date technical solutions and hygienic requirements of the 21st century.

Our and your succes is not only guaranteed by giving you turnkey dairy plants and processing lines but also educating your operators and giving you the recipes of different dairy products.


Small capacity dairy plants

Our small capacity machines, mostly used in family farms, are easy to handle.


Biggest capacity plants

The biggest capacity plants are highly automated.


Complete production line

Complete production lines include the process and the packaging of the product from raw materials to the finished products.


Turnkey dairy plants

Our and your succes is guaranteed by giving you turnkey dairy plants and processing lines.
