The main sections of our dairy plants are milk receiving and storing, pasteurising, separating and homogenising which ensure the prime process of milk.
For making soured dairy products the fermentors are elementary needed. The machines of curd and cheese making are the highly automated cheese and curd vats, pre-presses, and other presses.
Important additional equipments are culture fermentors, CIP units, brining equipments and cooling devices.
The outstanding technological equipments in our product range are curd snack line and ricotta-generator.
More details below.
Automatic filling machine for milk and liquid dairy products; air cooler of cold store for finished products; ice battery.

Milk receiving tank
Receiving and storing raw milk - as a part of the receiving unit keeps the consistency and sterility of milk.
The tank is manufactured from food industrial stainless steel type WNR-1.4301.
Depending on the plant conditions it can be also manufactured with cooling jacket.

Milk receiving unit
The modern and automated milk receiving equipment and technology ensure keeping all the beneficial attributes of milk.
It includes filter and volume measuring and cools down milk fast to 4 ºС.

Milk pasteurizer
We are using high efficiency, automatic milk pasteurizer for the first sterilizing.
Pasteurizing is continuous.
The built-in heat-exchanger provides high efficiency heat recuperation.

The homogenity of the dairy product is ensured by the homogenizator. It is safe and got high capacity.
It is installed with one or two grade homogenizer head and driven electrically.
The high efficiency homogenization is above 150 bar.

Milk separator
The separator has got high capacity and efficiency. It works automatically.
It provides the good separation of milk compounds and got excellent technological, constructional and economical figures.
Cream separators and purifiers in different technological constructions:
-Opened separator
-Hermetically closed, manual emptying
-Hermetically closed, automatic emptying

Soured dairy products
Technological lines for producing different fat content yoghurts, kefirs with different flavours and sour cream with many filling possibilities.
The aging of the product can be done in tempering room or tank.
Automated technological processes, sterility and food industrial stainless steel guarantee the good quality products.

Curd Snack Production Line
Production line of the Curd Snack Bar
Unique curd snack covered wih chocolate.
It can be produced from curd or whey cheese-ricotta- with different flavours. The production line is totally automated.
Healthy and delicious dessert!
The production technology is our know-how.

Cheese and curd production
Modern technology-quality products.
Different process technologies.
Different types and shapes of soft, semi-hard and hard cheeses.
Production of traditional and seasoned cottage cheese.

Cheese press
It makes the final press of cheeses forming them in moulds.
It works with pneumatic cylinders which could be adjusted row by row.
It provides the optimal brining of cheeses by using special cheese containers, salting vats and crane bridge.
Ricotta generator
Advantages of the equipment:
- the use of whey with a continuous technology
- widening product range without increasing incoming milk
- economical production; heat recuperation by using the heat of the „warm” products.
- ricotta production is totally automated-such as the cleaning of the equipment.
Temperature and technological parameters can be adjusted.

Automatic filling machines
Automatic filling machines for milk and other liquid dairy products.
We produce different cup, plastic bag and box-filling machines for the individual demands of our customers.
These filling machines has got high capacity and fulfill all the strict requirements of the EU.

Culture fermentors
It ensures the liquid starting culture for the production by mixing laboratory strains with sterilized wholemilk.
CIP unit
Purity is the guarantee of quality
The quality parameters of dairy products can be provided by CIP unit (clean-in-place) using cleaning and sterilizing liquid without moving any parts of the technological line.

Cooling energy providing equipments
It is reliable and fully automated.
Provides the cooling energy for the whole dairy plant.
It can be delivered with air and water cooling system.

Ice battery
Provides the stable and safe cooling energy for all the technological equipments by decreasing the overloads of the central refrigerating unit.
Smaller capacity compressors can be used this way.

Air cooler
Air cooler of cold store for finished products
Modern air cooling system.
The temperature of the cold store can be adjusted according to the technological requirements.