Joke of the day


SYMPTOM: Beer unusually pale and tasteless.
FAULT: Glass empty.
ACTION: Get someone to buy you another beer.

Other equipments

Other equipment
Description Buyer Location  
Storage tanks for drinking water Clear Water Hungary, Budakeszi
Trimetil-gallium processing equipment Elektrokemia Ltd. Hungary, Gic
Ferment mixing equipment Private customer Austria, Baden
Edible oil processing equipment Taurina Agrohod Ltd. Hungary, Érkutas
Yeast drying equipment Budapest Yeast Factory Hungary, Budapest
Edible oil processing equipment 6000 litres Solio Ltd. Hungary, Fadd
Pharmaceutical transport reservoir Richter Gedeon Inc. Hungary, Dorog
Agricultural produce storehouse 1000 t ZAL-AGRO Inc. Hungary, Zalaszentgrót
Butter churn S.C. PROMILK Romania, Cluj-Napoca
Mini-bakery MP 2,1 Private Customer Romania, Sfintu-Gheorghe
Milk plant reconstruction Agricultural Co-operative "Március 15" Hungary, Ráckeresztúr
Camambert cheese plant Schwaben Molkerei Srl. Romania, Carei
Food processing equipment (bio) Unilever Hungary Ltd. Hungary, Röszke
Ferment equipment Bionat Ltd. Hungary, Perkáta